Tuesday, January 18, 2011


i don't know about you...
but nothing makes me feel more feminine.
than catching random men staring down my low cut cardigan.
i write the amount of eyeballs in my diary right before i cry myself to sleep.
i don't know what possessed me to not wear a tank-top.
maybe the fact that i cannot function before 2 o'clock in the afternoon.
(baby needs her fourteen hours of undisturbed beauty rest)
hence. oversight?
or the fact that my drawers look like charlie sheen had a coke-induced sexfest in them.
in return making it impossible to find anything.
except used condoms and rolled up 20 dolla billz.
and the little kid from 2 and a half men

anyway the point of this entry is to show everyone in the world
or 12 followers.
five of whom are the same person twice (spanks guys!)
the bordello of a town i live in.
(NEVER to be mistaken with the funtimes moulin rouge genre bordello)

the town of: riviere des prairies
(aka. rdp. aka the "real deep pussy" -copyright the ginge-)

never have i had the opportunity to run errands on a friday afternoon
without almost ramming into the car in front of me while i'm driving
(or "doin' mah thang" as i often put it...)
who puts their left flicker on
a mere moment before he/she slams on the breaks.

once in the maxi parking lot i was straitening out renee zelweggger.
(if you were wondering: yes i call my mother's car "renee zelwegger")
i check my surroundings and as im backing up
this betch in a murano flies past me
like a car wound up and thrown onto slip n' slide.
coated entirely in a thick sheath of petroleum jelly.

a demonstration of the cesspool that is rdp driving skillz in


*clears froat*
this was in the parking lot of blockbuster.
i DIED when i saw this and i just HAD to capture it.
not only did he park at 45 degree angle
but he also parked in a handicapped parking space.
the parking lot was empty too.

here's another view:

ps. this car belongs to yours truly.
(if you were wondering, i refer to myself as "he" almost all of the time)

this is the best.
this is the aftermath
of a city bus.
crashing into someone's front yard.
the fucking 43 man.
what i would have given to be a passenger on that bus.
if i were given a bus
and were told to ride said bus.
i would do the EXACT same thing.

then blame it on "the voices"
as the old saying goes:

"you can always catapolt a city bus into a fence.
just tell people you're marlena evans from days of our lives"

(FUCK yes. 3rd reference in the entire history of this blizzy-og!)

*jump to 0:56!!!!!!*

"poor marlena. girlfriend, you are a mess!"

HA! Classic!