France bestowed a gift of
The statue of liberty
upon New York.
the overlords of the anti-christ
gifted Montreal
the Metropolitain highway.
"The 40"
So i don't know about you
But as soon as i get off
the met
having survived another trip
down exit "suicide lane",
Wherein i have to merge through
Three lanes of speeding death.
I immediately spark a celebratorial cig
Because nothing screams
"I made it"
like voluntarily inhaling
toxic fumes.
But seriously.
That fucking highway
Can go to hell.
The ghosts of the Decarie circle
Have witnessed many a meltdown at its expense
As i ultimately end up
At the airport
Or in the west island.
Then there's the pot holes.
Its fun
Its like an obstacle course
But if you hit the obstacle
Your front bumper gets ripped off
And you find yourself letting out
a myriad of
Sighs and Swears
which just so happends to be
the name of the emo band
I decided to invent
after I decided
that Blink 182
can go fuck itself.

Inconsiderate drivers
Fuck you.I let, like more or less
Let me pass.
You fucking asshole.
75% of people
Cut in front of of me on the highway
But then I remember:
I have a soul.
That song that just HAS to come on
Im sitting in my Hyundai Tucson
i'm in crazy traffic
And i don't have an AUX plug
So at times
When i don't feel like listening
To my assortment of 10 cds
I dare to venture into the mystical universe
That is:
Virgin radio.
At this point,
i've already reassured myself
That its going to be okay
But as the commercial break fades
I begin to hear
a hinting of
What sounds like
it may be
and to my horror
it is
or some song sampling another song
Pick up an instrument
And write a goddamn melody.)
Instantaneously i begin to feel the urge
Where i want to rip the face
Off of my head
And throw it out
The fucking sun roof.
Editor's note: my car does not have a sun roof either.