Wednesday, May 12, 2010

lazy susan

one would think that doing absolutely nothing would make me the happiest ho in the world.
considered is the notion that one would think i'm the laziest piece of shart this planet has yet to produce
even shartier than them kardashian sisters and half-breed khloe. the one who looks like shrek or like the mom make S with a saint bernard and that's what came from it.
S with a saint bernard.
however this is not the case.

sure i love lazy days of waking up at 12:30 in the afternoon.
making myself something to eat.
and then going to bed again until about 5 in the evening.
dressing up like that creepy old man from fort boyard.

thankfully for me, his name is "le pere fouras"
pictured above is myself incognito.
i took it with my webcam.
i printed out the background from
i dress up like this not only to entertain myself, first and foremost (clearly)
but the new neighbors next door consist of a couple and my arch nemesis. the old lady.
i like to give the old lady sexy eyes wearing this disguise.
and then just like a real man. most days
i actually stare at her through the window and with every opportunity of eye contact i quickly raise my thumb towards my neck and slide it across my throat with a most austere look in my eyes.
as if to say "shit's about to get serious, bia."
its especially serious when you're doing all this AND you look like moses.
i took the time to create "the 10 commandments" out of 2 slabs of stone i jacked from their driveway when they were renovating.
when she walks by. i hold them up to the window. then i flip her off.

this sucks mostly because staying inside hinders my chances of meeting more people and things that i could potentially make fun of.
so i am reduced to dressing up like poor man's dumbledore in order to:

torment the old lady who lives next door.
sleep and soil myself on random doorsteps.
go up to children in the park with candy.
do the "suck it" sign to every red car that passes me by.
and on rainy days...
flash my boobs to people on chatroulette.

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