Sunday, May 9, 2010

someone told me "ca sent la coupe"

and i responded by saying "ca sent la marde"
then i gave myself a high-5 and juice box for having incorporated the word "marde" into my oral vocabulary that day.
its that time of year again
the hockey playoff time of year.
hockey. is a very MEH subject to me
so "meh" that i call it "men behind cages"
the cages being their face guards.
in my world they'd be skating around in sequined dresses with emerald colored feathers (like a a cage)
and this sport would be called "figure skating"
(with a puck, body-checking and missing teefs)

i would wanna play hockey just because you're allowed to hurt people physically without being thrown in jail.
you can't just go up to people on the street and slam them into windows of starbucks' with your's not 1950 anymore
its 2010 and there are cops EVERYWHERE.

the point is.
its hockey playoff season, and i love this because you've got this underlying battle going on.
an invisible pokemon battle of hockey proportions and not anime.
this battle being the one between:

1)hockey fans
2)hot girls who say they like hockey
3) those who refuse to jump on the bandwagon.

the first group includes those who always watch and keep up to date with NHL shit. they know and watch every team's games, they know which hockey players are black (like picking a needle out of a haystack) and are just generally enthusiastic when it comes to the sport.

the second category is self explanatory.
their facebook pictures usually consists of 46 pounds of makeup. not their natural hair color. tig ol' bitties, hockey team shirt and tuque, seductive pose and last but not least.
peace sign.
they don't necessarily like hockey as much as they DO want to fuck everyone in the team.
and the coach.
and general manager.
and the mascot.
in the desjardins section of the bell center. or radio lounge.
in this same category, i'll quickly mishmash the bandwagon fans.
people who are not fans per se, nor sluts.
these folk basically dont know what a puck or ice is until their home team is in the playoffs and then SHIT IS ON.

last but not least.

i like to call them the "debbie downer" of hockey fandom.
the ones who have a general apathy for the sport. or sports in general.
and thanks to the social networking system mentioned above,
have developed an intense distaste for anyone and anything hockey during the playoffs.
and i don't think its because they're trying to be individualistic by not jizzing themselves over a 2 point lead.
i think that these people are just annoyed by group #2.

in conclusion,
i guess in the end,
all 3 groups mentioned have a point of some sort and could not exist without one another. personally, i just like watching full-grown humans act like sissies over televised sporting events.
makes me feel a little bit better about acting like a sissy ALL the time.
that and i'm about THIS close to getting my own postal code for this sick-ass play-off beard i've been growing.

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